Trouble Exporting High-Resolution Plate Tectonic Maps for Publicationoul;

Hey guys… :wave:

I have been working with GPlates to create a series of tectonic reconstructions for a research paper I am preparing and I am running into issues when exporting high-resolution images. The maps look great within GPlates itself but when I export them, the resolution seems to drop significantly. I have tried exporting in various formats (PNG, TIFF, and even vector formats like SVG) but the images come out pixelated or with poor detail when I zoom in on them.

Here are the steps I have followed:

  • I set the window size to the largest possible resolution in GPlates.
  • I export the current view as a raster image.
  • I have adjusted DPI settings where possible… but it has not improved the output quality.

I am hoping to use these images for publication purposes, so I need them to be sharp and clear at high resolutions. And I also check this: But I have not found any solution. Could anyone guide me the best solution for this? I had appreciate any advice on improving the export quality or tips on any workarounds for getting publication-ready maps.

Has anyone else faced a similar issue?

Thanks in advance!

Respected community member! :blush:

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Hi bewoj,

Have you tried adjusting the Image Resolution (in Image (screenshot) export) or pixel spacing (in Colour Raster or Numerical Raster export)?

There should essentially be no limit on the resolution.