Suggestion: Hyperlinks in attributes (Shp files, GPML etc)

Hi GPlates Devs, community,

I’d like to propose to enable hyperlink functionality for features in the GPlates GUI so that certain attributes in GPML or Shapefiles can be used as links either on the filesystem or as http/https.

We already have that functionality built into the new GROT file format and the associated metadata dialogue when viewing GROT rotation files in the “Features -> View total reconstruction sequence” windows. Here, URLs either encoded as comment via @C comment tags (example @C get automatically rendered as clickable hyperlink.

It would be fantastic to have that same functionality in GPML feature files (new GPML attribute necesary?) or simply through an additional mapping similar to the shp file import wizard where attribute fields can be matched to certain GPML types.

The functionality would be akin to ArcMap’s hyperlinks or functionality in QGIS



@john.cannon any idea about this?