Hi all,
I am having this weird issue when trying to reconstruct a coastline back in time, at 300 Ma, using the Merdith 2021 dataset (i.e., using 1000_0_rotfile_Merdith_et_al).
When looking at a series of coordinates comprising a coastline at present using the GUI:
27.5034 ; 66.6876
25.8708 ; 66.4792
25.466 ; 66.7494
25.2607 ; 66.6729
the reconstructed coordinates (again, using the GUI) I get are:
-35.6073 ; 59.9325
-36.4288 ; 58.1729
-36.8636 ; 57.9425
-36.9276 ; 57.6838
when trying the very same reconstruction using pygplates + gplately, I’m getting:
-35.60729953 ; 59.93246794
-48.43720088 ; 51.61909315
-48.86747549 ; 51.32369867
-48.92629734 ; 51.00663505
Note how the first coordinate matches the reconstruction with GUI, but the remaining 3 coordinates do not.
Here’s the Python 3 code to reproduce the issue:
import pygplates
import gplately
gdownload = gplately.download.DataServer("Merdith2021")
rotation_model, topology_features, static_polygons = gdownload.get_plate_reconstruction_files()
model = gplately.PlateReconstruction(rotation_model, topology_features, static_polygons)
coastlines, continents, _ = gdownload.get_topology_geometries()
gplot = gplately.PlotTopologies(
model, coastlines=coastlines, continents=continents)
gplot.time = 0
gpts1 = gplately.Points(model, [66.68764182400014, 66.47917004564209, 66.74944466750146, 66.67292015518123], [27.50343290900005, 25.870788285673104, 25.46597337481638, 25.260725144855893])
rec_lngs1, rec_lats1 = gpts1.reconstruct(time=300.0, return_array=True)
print("look, below, the difference between reconstruction in Python vs. using the GUI")
# first matches, last three don't
# -35.60729953, -48.43720088, -48.86747549, -48.92629734
# first matches, last three don't
# 59.93246794, 51.61909315, 51.32369867, 51.00663505
I am pretty new to GPlates and this could totally be some dumb oversight on my end. (Let’s hope it’s actually that!)
Thanks so much for any help you can provide!