I’ve received 40 time dependant maps in post script format (.ps). They are spatially registered. Wondering if there is a way to get them into GPlates, without having to manually convert them to GeoTIFF or something first in QGIS?
Hi Alex,
I think you’ll need to convert it to one of the import raster formats supported by GPlates (perhaps using psconvert).
Hi Alex - what do you mean when you write ‘spatially registered’?
I don’t think Postscript files have any means of encoding georeferencing (unlike e.g. a geotif or geocoded PDF). So you can either go the route @john.cannon described to turn the PS file into a raster and georeference that (if these are PS files generated by GMT they might carry some info to automatically convert the file to a registered geotif) or you try to preserve vector graphics and go via format like AutoCAD’s DXF/DWG format which in turn you can relatively easily turn into a geopackage/shp using GDAL.
Hi John and Christian,
Thanks for the replies. They were PS outputs from a code called Glide, which uses GMT. In a text viewer there was some spatial information, but I couldn’t figure out if it was for plotting (like an easy convert to GeoTIFF) or if it was part of the image which displayed a frame with coordinates. Becuase the images had a frame and legend the full extent of the tile bigger than the map inside it. Anyway, I ended up using psconvert to convert them all to TIF, then georeferenced one, exported it as GeoTIFF, took the coordinates of the extent of the frame of the georeferenced image, then I was able to batch import the other 39 TIFFs as time dependant rasters and only needed to give the full-frame extents once in GPlates. So all good now.