I am trying to import a shp point map that has an attribute column set to “Volcano” or “gmpl:Volcano” (I tried both), which I use as Feature Type, but once it is imported, the Feature Type becomes “UnclassifiedFeature”. I read somewhere that a two letter code is expected here, but where can I find the code for Volcano (and other features) ?
I can change the Feature Type by editing the feature, but I have almost 4000 of them !
Thanks for your help !
Hi Denis,
that has an attribute column set to “Volcano” or “gmpl:Volcano”
Is this the attribute name Volcano
or gpml:volcano
or the actual value of the attribute field of the individual feature?
I’ve tried a few things with a volcano file I had lying around and I can confirm the following:
- Setting the column (attribute) name to
and the attribute value toVolcano
as per GPGIM then importing the file into GPlates and setting the attribute mapping ofFeature type
attribute works for me. See here:
- Now - the interesting part is that using a different attribute name (e.g.
), assigning agpml:Volcano
as value for each feature, and chosing this attribute name in theFeature type
mapping doesn’t seem to work. Maybe this is a borderline bug @john.cannon - I would expect that when I make an explicit mapping ofFeature type
to attribute name in the import wizard for a SHP file that GPlates should then be able to check the attribute value as to whether it is part of the GPGIM or not and do the feature type assignment. I cannot recall whether it is mandatory to name to columnGPGIM_TYPE
in order to get GPlates to make the proper mapping and feature type assignment.
n.b. - this is with GPlates 2.3
Hope this helps,
Great ! Now it works ! The important thing is that the name of the attribute column of the shp file must be GPGIM_TYPE . Many thanks for your help !
I think if you want to use the full feature type (such as Volcano
or gpml:Volcano
) in your Shapefile then you must name your attribute column GPGIM_TYPE
(I just checked the source code), otherwise GPlates will expect the 2-letter equivalent (eg, VO
for Volcano
) from the PLATES-format days. You are right in that GPlates should probably check both though (something to look at during the overhaul of the OGR-related code).
Also I believe on export GPlates writes out two columns, one is GPGIM_TYPE
containing the full feature type and the other is TYPE
containing the 2-letter equivalent.
Here is the current 2-letter mapping in GPlates…
map["AR"] = "AseismicRidge";
map["BA"] = "Bathymetry";
map["BS"] = "Basin";
map["CB"] = "PassiveContinentalBoundary";
map["CF"] = "ContinentalFragment";
map["CM"] = "PassiveConinentalBoundary";
map["CO"] = "PassiveContinentalBoundary";
map["CR"] = "Craton";
map["CS"] = "Coastline";
map["EC"] = "ExtendedContinentalCrust";
map["FT"] = "Fault";
map["FZ"] = "FractureZone";
map["GR"] = "OldPlatesGridMark";
map["GV"] = "Gravimetry";
map["HF"] = "HeatFlow";
map["HS"] = "HotSpot";
map["HT"] = "HotSpotTrail";
map["IA"] = "IslandArc";
map["IC"] = "Isochron";
map["IM"] = "Isochron";
map["IP"] = "SedimentThickness";
map["IR"] = "IslandArc";
map["IS"] = "Isochron";
map["LI"] = "GeologicalLineation";
map["MA"] = "Magnetics";
map["NF"] = "gpmlFault";
map["N1"] = "NavdatSampleMafic";
map["N2"] = "NavdatSampleIntermediate";
map["N3"] = "NavdatSampleFelsicLow";
map["N4"] = "NavdatSampleFelsicHigh";
map["OB"] = "OrogenicBelt";
map["OP"] = "BasicRockUnit";
map["OR"] = "OrogenicBelt";
map["PB"] = "InferredPaleoBoundary";
map["PA"] = "MagneticAnomalyIdentification";
map["PC"] = "MagneticAnomalyIdentification";
map["PL"] = "Pluton";
map["PO"] = "PoliticalBoundary";
map["PM"] = "MagneticAnomalyIdentification";
map["RA"] = "IslandArc";
map["RF"] = "Fault";
map["RI"] = "MidOceanRidge";
map["SM"] = "Seamount";
map["SS"] = "Fault";
map["SU"] = "Suture";
map["TB"] = "TerraneBoundary";
map["TC"] = "TransitionalCrust";
map["TF"] = "Transform";
map["TH"] = "Fault";
map["TO"] = "Topography";
map["TR"] = "SubductionZone";
map["UN"] = "UnclassifiedFeature";
map["VO"] = "Volcano";
map["VP"] = "LargeIgneousProvince";
map["XR"] = "MidOceanRidge";
map["XT"] = "SubductionZone";