Crash on Export Reconstruction

Hi Robbie,

Thanks for that info, very helpful, and enabled me to fix the bug in GPlates.

Turned out the default values were not getting properly initialised (due to a bug introduced just before GPlates 2.2) and so they all became zero.

In your case, when you removed your non-default settings (~/.config/GPlates/GPlates.conf), you got a zero value for the default time increment. And hence the crash. When you then changed it to 1.0 in the user preferences, that set the value in a new ~/.config/GPlates/GPlates.conf, preventing further crashes.

I’ve uploaded a fix in the source code link you used (the link mentioned in this post). It’s the same download link but with updated source code. The only changed files are src/app-logic/ and src/app-logic/UserPreferences.h (so you can just replace those two files for a quicker build).
